Months Thirty-Five and Thirty-Six (and...37)
September 28, 2018
Month 37 is well past now, not just 35 and 36. It’s been very hard to sit down and write this last post of the three years as you’ve gone from a baby to a joyous, outgoing personality. We’re not ready for you to be three, yet, as you work on potty training and vocabulary, and chasing your brother.
This month we’ve restarted potty training, and it’s going much better this time than the last attempt. You’re much more laid back about the whole process than others, and seem to generally care not so much. That’s ok, we don’t mind the extra laundry. And, you’re generally good about having accidents on the tile, or not on the carpet, beds, or furniture. All that said, as I write this you have pretty much figured this out, at least for anything purely of the liquid persuasion. As for the other, we’ll just have to keep working on that.
All times and dates in the past are now simply “last year”. Mommy: “Noah, do you need to go potty?” Noah: “No I went potty.” “When did you go?” “Last year." “I went to the zoo last year (yesterday)” and so forth. It’d be good if we were all so unbound to temporal references.
Water has brought plenty of pleasure this month, as it’s been hot enough to go swimming at any available turn. It’s a good thing that Mommy’s made sure that you have more than one swimsuit, or we’d be doing laundry on the regular. This month has brought the realization that face can go in the water, including dipping your face in the pool, and putting your face in the shower stream. You are more than excited to start swimming, with you regularly throwing yourself down in the water in the shallow end of the pool to “swim”. This includes lying on the dining room table to “swim”, moving your arms and legs.
September brought the inevitable climbing out of the crib. We knew it was only a matter of time, but you’re more than happy to scale any vertical surface on which you can find purchase, and this has extended to the crib itself. More than once, we’ve found you on the monitor up on the side of the crib riding the rail like a horse. A quiet question via the monitor sees you diving down into the crib to go to bed. Naturally, that’s quickly led to climbing all the way out, as we hear a loud “thump” as you land on the floor. Out of the crib, you’ll wander out of your room to the top of the stairs or our room, closing your door on the way out for good measure. I guess it’s just about time to take the side of your crib off to make your first bed.
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August, as will happen each year, brought your birthday. Being back in Colorado with family meant a celebration in late July for your birthday. Mommy nailed the trains birthday, with cupcake trains, and a banner train, and all sorts of themes, of which the highlight was your green train cupcake. That cupcake has been much mentioned since then. Your actual birthday in August brought a trip to the zoo to ride the train, which was all you really wanted to do. We also did the splash park and the carousel. Almost 3.5 hours at the zoo, and didn’t walk by any animal cages. Advantage: zoo membership.
Growing up has you attempting to direct the house. “Brother do this, brother do that”, etc. From washing hands, to getting ready to go to school in the morning, to putting on shoes. Also, Molly. “Molly!” (as she barks at the neighbor mowing). “MOLLY!” As she races out into the backyard. “Molly, don’t eat the grass! It’s yucky!” You’re taking the lead on making sure everything gets done on time, the right way. Unless we’re asking you to do something you’d rather not. Noah: “No!” Mommy: “Is that how we speak to Mommy?” Noah: “No…way!” in a very cheery voice. Mommy’s got your number, though. Looking at two baskets for storing things. Seth: “I call blue!” Noah: “I call green!” Mommy: “Yep, planned it that way."
It’s been a fine line between helping and…not exactly helping. The upstairs toilet was plugged by someone else in the house. I flushed it to try to clear it, and it almost overflowed. I left to get the plunger and things. You wandered in to find me, “Daddy, it’s leaking!” “Did you flush the toilet?” “Yep!”
Driving home from Colorado, or any other long car trip brings out the iPad, and reduces the screen time restrictions. You and your brother barely understand the concept of a commercial break, but certainly know how to hit the “next episode” option in Netflix to move right on in the series. After dinner on that same drive, you and Seth wanted to watch movies on the iPad. After you fussing about it, Seth asked again again. I told Seth, “Tell your brother we can talk about it when he stops fussing.” You: Immediately stops fussing, “Daddy, can I have iPad please? I stop fussing!” Way to call Daddy’s bluff on that one.
It’s so hard to see you grow up. You’ve been so fun through the toddler stage, but each and every day you grow brings new ways for your joy for life and love for other people to be revealed. We both desire to freeze time with you and to see with excitement each new day with you. That tension defines our lives as parents, and it’s nothing but a joy to live in that space. We’d like nothing more but to have all day to enjoy you, but life moves forward quickly, and we can’t wait to see what every tomorrow with you brings. Before we know it you’re going to be chasing the soccer ball around the field, and saying goodbye to us on your first day of kindergarten. Even though you’re just three, it’s already been a month since your birthday. In just 11 short months you’ll be four. We are so grateful that God saw fit to bless our family with you.
Daddy and Mommy