Fourteen Months
December 06, 2012
The rate you’re learning just seems to keep increasing exponentially. Each day brings new words, new numbers, and new activities. You even asked me for my keys the other day…I don’t think we’ve every directly talked to you about keys, but you looked up an me and said “keys!”. I told you the same answer you’re going to get for a while, that you’ll have to wait at least 15 years. Of course, you can fill numbers from 8 to 15 to 18, so you’re all set to tell us when you’re old enough.
This month has brought unfortunate things too, including your first trip to the ER at 1 AM. I recommend that from now on, you try and get sick in the middle of the day. that’d be helpful. That’s ok, a little time and a little extra food, and you’re back to walking and talking.
Right at the beginning of the month, you were still crawling around, whether at the beach, or crawling all the way from the other room with a book so we could read it to you. Before we knew it, though, you learned to stand up yourself, and now you’re off and running. Nothing stops you now.
You’re quite learned that “please” gets you almost anything you want, so it’s “sock, please”, and “cracker, please”, and pretty much attaching “please” to everything. You’re also practicing lots of urban camouflage. You could quite disappear in a pot of spaghetti any time you had a reason.
You have excellent taste in public radio, including Click and Clack. You laugh right along with the Car Talk guys. We listen to those on podcast going to the zoo, the Safari Park, or even back to Colorado for Thanksgiving. You love to walk, and you brought such smiles to our faces with your little proud look after walking down the trails at the zoo and the park. You get a huge smile on your little face. It’s a privilege to let you go, to let you succeed, and even to let you fall down. Pretty soon, you learn that it’s part of walking, and you get right up. If not, that just means it’s time for a nap. That seems to be a pretty good strategy for now, and even for life. If we all didn’t worry about falling down, and took a nap when we couldn’t handle it, we’d all be much happier, I think.
Keep teaching us important lessons, buddy. We’ll try to make sure you have plenty of things to learn.